When submitting your figures please note the following:
- Total value of supplies must be a whole number. Do not include the pound symbol, decimal points or commas.
- Do not include pence in your figure.
- A '0' (zero) value is unacceptable. If goods are sent free of charge but do not comply with the 'sample' classification, then the value of the goods must be entered.
- If the supply relates to any call-off stock (indicators 4,5 or 6) then leave the value field blank
- Negative figures should be prefixed with a minus '-' ie if the value of the credit notes is greater than the supplies.
- Only include the value of goods including related services and services supplied under the 'general rule', to customers who are registered for VAT in other EC countries. Related services are services that form part of the price of the goods, such as freight and transport costs.
- Total the value of goods and services supplied to your customer, deduct credit notes and enter the total, rounded down to the nearest pound sterling.